A-Z Index

Criminology, Political Science 和 Pre-Law Visit Day

Monday, October 14, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Registration opens soon!

Schedule of 事件s

* Schedule subject to change *

All activities are held in the J.W. Jones Student Union unless otherwise specified.

Time Activity
9:00 a.m. Check-In
9:15 a.m. 欢迎 & Admissions Presentation
10:00 a.m. Campus Walking Tour
11:30 a.m. 午餐
12:15 p.m. Student Panel
1:00 p.m. Academic Department Information
1:45 p.m. Visit Day Wrap-Up
  • Any final questions about Northwest?
  • Visit Day Questionnaire & get your t-shirt
  • Shuttle Service to Parking Lot
  • Thank you so much for visiting!
Individual academic appointments are not available during Discover Your Major visit days. If interested in scheduling an appointment, please refer to our Daily Visit.


Discover the majors in CriminologyPolitical Science, along with our Pre-Law 程序. This day will provide an opportunity to interact with the current Northwest faculty 和 students. The event will showcase Northwest with a campus tour 和 information sessions. Students will get an insight into how the Department of Humanities 和 Social Sciences can help them achieve their career goals 和 explore their major in detail.

Registration opens soon!

You will have the opportunity to:

Career Ready. Day One.

Northwest ensures students are career ready, day one through internships, field experiences 和 networking opportunities. Read Sam's story »

Sam is Career ready. Day One.

Sam Spencer

Why a major in Humanities 和 Social Sciences?

Most importantly, the faculty 和 staff of the department—和 university—are committed to student success. They make themselves available to assist students in whatever way they can. Please do not hesitate to ask if we can help you in any way.

Have a question about a major or minor in the department? Email us at