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News Release

Sept. 8, 2023


和记棋牌娱乐(Northwest Missouri State University)董事会周四批准了一项项目,该项目将改变该校玛丽维尔校区的能源基础设施, making it the largest capital project request in the University’s history.

董事会批准提议的能源基础设施现代化项目授权西北总裁博士. Lance Tatum和财务和行政副总裁Stacy Carrick与选定的投标人签订合同,总项目成本不超过1.05亿美元.

Northwest is partnering with engineering firm IMEG Corp. 为升级的中央工厂和能源分配系统开发设计文件,预计该项目将需要大约两到三年的时间才能完成.

“从长远来看,从效率的角度来看,这对和记棋牌娱乐来说确实是积极的,因为计划中的升级和现代化设备将节省能源和运营成本,使西北航空公司能够投资于和记棋牌娱乐老化的基础设施,” Carrick said.

Presenting the proposal to the Board, Carrick said the project objective is to ensure safe, adequate, 以可靠及具成本效益的运作方式,为校园设施提供更可持续的冷暖服务, long-term basis.


西北计划最大限度地利用国家配套资金来帮助资助能源基础设施现代化项目. In addition to $5 million in state-appropriated funds for the University in FY23, 和记棋牌娱乐计划将24财年拨款的2500万美元和该校要求的25财年拨款的另外2500万美元直接用于该项目. The two $25 million appropriations are matching grants, 这意味着和记棋牌娱乐必须获得额外的5000万美元才能获得州政府的资助,并满足该项目1.05亿美元的总成本. To do that, Carrick said, the University has earmarked $30 million for the project, and it anticipates borrowing the remaining $20 million.

The project emanates from the University’s Campus Master Plan, which was completed in 2016 and identified a need to address deferred maintenance, 包括校园的供暖和制冷基础设施,提供约75%的蒸汽供暖和热水, or 1.8 million square feet, of Northwest facilities. The critical utility infrastructure also includes HVAC building systems, electric distribution, domestic water, sanitary sewer and stormwater management.

Increasingly, the antiquated centralized heating and cooling plant, as well as the utility infrastructure, are becoming problematic for Northwest. Campus disruptions are occurring more frequently as a result of steam pipe leaks, breakdowns and component failures.

Currently, 和记棋牌娱乐的集中供热厂用三个天然气锅炉为校园建筑提供蒸汽供暖,这些锅炉是在20世纪60年代安装的,已经超过了预期使用寿命27到33年. 西北集中供热厂的两个替代燃料锅炉无法运行,无法修复. 此外,锅炉控制是过时的机电系统,功能有限.

Steam generated from the boilers is distributed to the buildings through 18,000 linear feet of piping in underground tunnels, which also have sustained substantial deterioration.

The centralized cooling plant consists of three chillers and cooling towers, two of which have exceeded their useful life.

Simultaneously, 卡里克向董事会报告说,和记棋牌娱乐在减少能源消耗方面的努力正在取得进展. 通过将标准照明转换为LED技术,并结合能源基础设施现代化项目,在其他高效系统中安装低流量厕所装置, 该大学希望实现能源效率的提高,并将其公用事业成本节约作为其能源基础设施升级融资战略的一部分. Additionally, the upgrades will put Northwest on a path toward carbon neutrality.

A brief history of Northwest’s energy infrastructure


During a meeting exactly 117 years earlier, amid planning for the then-year-old institution, 摄政王考虑了建筑师提出的计划和规格来建造它的供暖和发电站, in addition to the Administration Building.

From Northwest’s start, the powerhouse, 位于行政大楼东侧,一直是校园基础设施的重要组成部分. The original structure was completed around 1910 and has been reconstructed, known today as the John C. Redden Jr. Power Plant, to support campus expansion and the University’s evolving energy needs. 该设施由一个两英里长的公用事业隧道网络连接,贯穿整个校园,将蒸汽和hvac冷冻水输送到30多栋建筑中.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s with the cost of fossil fuels skyrocketing, Northwest began implementing a successful alternative energy program. In 1983, 和记棋牌娱乐开始燃烧制造过程中产生的木屑,为校园供暖提供了69%的电力.

In 1993, the University began converting paper trash into burnable pellets. A few years later, animal waste generated at the University’s R.T. 赖特农场也被转化为颗粒,并添加到该机构的替代燃料组合中, meeting as much as 90 percent of the campus’s energy needs. During a 35-year period, 由于其替代能源计划,西北航空公司实现了大约1600万美元的节省, compared to purchasing natural gas and oil.

Last spring, however, 由于其老化的锅炉和部件,西北停止使用替代燃料.

In other Board business

In other business Thursday, the Board approved the hiring of University Police Officer Michael Logan, per Missouri Revised Statue 174.700,并审查了西北向该州提交的2025财政年度拨款请求.

During a work session prior to its regular meeting, 董事们听取了西北校区心理健康状况的报告, 这是该校与Evergreen Solutions合作进行的一项薪酬研究的结果, and a review of enrollment data captured on the first day of the fall semester.

Regarding its enrollment, Northwest announced a 4.在秋季课程的第一天,总入学人数增加了6%,总人数达到8人,071 students, marking a sixth consecutive year of overall growth. With an official census count coming Sept. 18, Northwest expects its enrollment total to increase, 塔图姆向董事们概述了学校平衡招生组合的愿望.

“The conversation about recruitment and enrollment never stops,” Tatum said. “从和记棋牌娱乐如何向未来的学生展示材料,这一直是和记棋牌娱乐在学校谈论的一部分, what that looks like, the processes that occur within marketing, our brand, how we admit students, how we register students, how we retain students to how we matriculate students through the process. The goal for us is to recruit them to the University and then get them to graduation, and this University does that very well.” 

The Board of Regents 负责完善大学的资源管理,并制订一般的, educational and financial policies.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215