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This self-paced online Python开发人员 Career Certificate Program provides you the knowledge, 实践经验, 胜任高薪Python程序员工作的能力和信心. 的 program is suitable for anyone seeking to enhance their career or looking for a new career in a high-demand occupation.

Python development is a rapidly growing field where the demand for qualified candidates far outstrips the supply. Python is the most popular programming language for applications in data analytics, 机器学习, 人工智能, 商业和金融. 事实上公司., 职业介绍公司, 列表超过87个,在美国有000个Python程序员的职位空缺, 而这些工作很多都是唾手可得的, 因为位置往往是遥远的. Python开发人员的平均起薪约为80美元,000, 一个人可以赚到120美元,在高级职位上.


这个在线课程采用主动的、自定进度的、边做边学的培训. 这种创新的方法提供了简单的教训, requiring you to show that you have mastered each concept by completing exercises before moving on to the next module. This competency-based approach builds your knowledge as well as your 实践经验, 这两者都是大多数Python开发人员职位空缺所必需的.

这个培训计划需要大约230-350个实践小时, 这取决于您在注册时现有的编程经验. You are assigned a coach who prepares a personalized roadmap and training timeline for you, 然后在整个培训期间与你一起工作. 因为你的训练是自定节奏的,根据你的时间表进行个性化的训练, you are able to build a consistent training routine with your coach that does not interfere with your work and family commitments.

在你的培训期间, you have both a personal instructional support person and a coach who help you every step of the way. 的se experts also are proactive in reaching out to you at regular intervals to discuss progress and provide assistance.

Trainees who successfully complete the program receive a certificate of completion from 和记棋牌娱乐, 成就的数字徽章, and walk away with the professional portfolio necessary to demonstrate ability and qualify for job openings.


  • WIOA – If you’re unemployed or make less than 250% of the federal poverty level for your household, 那么你就有资格获得WIOA基金. 联系当地居民 密苏里州就业中心 看看你是否符合条件.
  • KC学者们,伟大的工作KC -如果你目前的收入低于45美元,000 a year AND you live in one of the following 6 counties – (Kansas: Johnson and Wyandotte Counties; Missouri: Cass, 粘土, 杰克逊县和普拉特县), 你可能有资格获得KC奖学金. 访问 KC学者 了解更多信息或申请这个机会.


You must successfully complete a two-hour online assessment to gain acceptance to this program. A programming background shortens the time it takes to complete the training, but is not required.

联系摄入专家 来回答你关于这个项目的所有问题.


首先, Python被用来解决现实生活中的问题, 因此,你必须懂得有限的数学知识. 如果与你的教练协商, 这是确定的,你需要一个基本的中学水平的数学复习, 和记棋牌娱乐可选的 工作场所的数学 课程提供动手复习和练习,使您跟上速度. 在小而简单的步骤, 您将回顾如何处理整数和小数, 分数, 百分比, 比例, 单利和复利, 单位转换, 并解决简单的与工作有关的数学问题. 本课程包括几个ACT工作键应用数学练习考试, 完成之后, 你已经准备好参加ACT应用数学考试了. 这种全行业认证受到雇主的高度重视..

有了适当的数学基础,就可以继续 计算机素养. This course is waived if you have significant prior computer programming experience, 但许多有经验的程序员还是喜欢参加, 作为复习. This course teaches computational thinking which is the most important skill in computer programming. Yes, it is more important than the knowledge of the details of a specific programming language. Namely, without computational thinking skills, learning any programming language has little value. 在这门视觉课程中, you write programs in simplified Python syntax for a virtual robot to solve various tasks. 以这种方式, 您将学习如何设计算法和键入代码, 识别重复模式, 并使用循环来重复命令和命令序列. 你还学习了布尔逻辑, 条件语句, 有条件的循环, 如何定义自定义命令和函数, 以及如何将复杂的问题分解成更简单的问题. 最后, you learn how to use recursion and stochastic algorithms (algorithms that involve randomness) to solve tasks that would be very difficult or impossible to solve otherwise. Taking this course puts you in an excellent position to start learning Python.

实际的Python训练开始于 Python简介. This course provides a detailed and comprehensive overview of the Python programming language. You learn Python by solving programming problems of gradually increasing complexity, 使用简单的计算, 循环, 条件, 局部变量和全局变量, 功能, 异常, 和递归. You also become proficient in working with fundamental Python data structures, 包括元组, 列表, 和字典. Throughout the course, you are developing a good Python coding style and other good coding habits.

计算机80%以上的工作是处理文本. 因此,在课程中 在Python中处理文本, you learn how to process, analyze, and manipulate 文本字符串 with Python.

Python以其强大的图形功能而闻名. 在课程中 用Python绘图, you learn how to use the powerful Python library Matplotlib for plotting and drawing.

这时,你就准备出发了 软件项目1,您可以在其中基于Matplotlib构建自己的图形编辑器. 图形编辑器能够创建形状,如正方形, 三角形, 矩形和圆形, 用颜色填充对象, 移动, 缩放和旋转形状, 然后把它们组合起来,画出复杂的图画. 除了大量的编程实践, this Software Project provides you with a valuable insight into the principles of good software design.

大多数数据存储在文件中. 因此,课程 在Python中使用文件 teaches you how to open files, read data from them, process the data, and write to files.

In 软件项目2 在Python中构建自己的图像查看器. 图像查看器能够从文件中读取位图图像, 将它们存储为2D Numpy数组, 用Matplotlib将它们形象化. 在本软件项目中,您将练习处理文件, 文本字符串, 以及Numpy和Matplotlib库.

和记棋牌娱乐生活的世界是由数据驱动的. 因此,课程 使用Python实现数据可视化 教你如何以简单图形的形式可视化数据, 柱状图, 饼图, 彩色地图, 表面的情节, 线框的情节, 等高线图. You also learn how to visualize data on 2D Cartesian grids and unstructured triangulations.

Most real-life applications of Python are to some extent related to Data Analytics (DA). 因此, 达最小 course teaches you how to use the Pandas library and perform elementary Data Analytics with Python.

Every Python developer must know the basics of Computer Science (CS) including the binary, 八进制, 以及十六进制数字系统. 这些也是PCEP考试所要求的. 这正是你们在这门课上学到的 CS最低.

PCEP预科 course includes several PCEP practice exams and prepares you to score high on the PCEP exam. PCEP is an industry-recognized certification from the Python Institute that adds a significant weight to your resume. You are encouraged to take the PCEP exam before starting to work on your 顶石项目.

最后,完成a 顶石项目 你可以从两个选项中选择一个:

  • 选项1:在Github上查找开源项目, 找一个你喜欢的, 并通过提交拉取请求对其做出贡献. Your contribution must be consulted and approved by your NCLab instructor in advance.
  • 选项2:用Python实现自己的程序并将其上传到Github. 你的节目主题是由你选择的, 但必须事先咨询并得到NCLab教练的批准. 通常,与选项1相比,需要更实质性的计划.

在这两种情况下,您都需要创建一个免费的Github用户帐户, and to install a Python IDE on your own computer or laptop (we'll help you with that).

参加这个项目需要一台个人电脑, 高速互联网接入和电子邮件地址.

和记棋牌娱乐 Python开发人员 Career Certificate is delivered through a partnership with NCLab, 创新的职业培训提供商.




A full refund is available for the first 30 days, based on the program enrollment date. If less than 25% of the training has been completed and the learner is within the first 90 days from their enrollment date, 然后按比例退款. 超过90天,将不予退款. 超过25%的完成,将不予退款.