A-Z Index

Personal and Professional Development Opportunities

Spring 2024

Date(s) Title of Presentation Presenter
Feb. 12 Lifting as We Climb: Concepts to Understanding Diversity and Inclusion Dr. Shay Malone
Feb. 20 Shhh.... The Not-So-Secret Edge to Success in Business Dallas Amsden
Feb. 21 Why Consider Federal Service Jodie Pitcock
Feb. 29 Personality Jazz: Creating Harmony at Work Steven Iwersen
Mar. 4 The Power of Our Assumptions Bob Dusin
Mar. 26 Nobody Ever Wins a Fight Dale Stewart
Jan. 30, Mar. 25 April 12 or April 16 C.A.L.M. in Crisis Wellness Services
Jan. 23, Feb. 13, Mar. 7 or April 2 J.E.D.I. Program Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Register online!

Student employees should record attending Career Pathing sessions on timesheets

Lifting as we Climb: Concepts to Understanding Diversity and Inclusion

Lifting as we Climb: Concepts to Understanding Diversity and Inclusion

Dr. Shalon Malone, Assistant Vice President – Diversity and Inclusion
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Northwest Missouri State University

Dates: Monday, February 12
Time: 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. 
Length: 60 Minutes
Location: Student Union Boardroom

这次对话是关于身份和多样性的基础,以便和记棋牌娱乐了解如何为所有人创造一个包容的环境. Finally, 学习如何实践你所学到的知识,通过与你的同龄人和辅导员就任何你想知道的关于多样性和社会正义的问题进行对话.

Shhh.... The Not-So-Secret Edge to Success in Business

Shhh.... The Not-So-Secret Edge to Success in Business

Dallas Amsden
Speaker, Host, Communication Expert and Presentation Trainer
C2S Communicate2Succeed

Date: Tuesday, February 20
Time: 10 a.m., 1 p.m. or 2:30 p.m.
Length: 60 minutes
Location: Student Union Boardroom

你有没有想过为什么有些商务人士会一路高歌猛进,而有些人却停滞不前? 是什么让一些人在他们的领域上升到顶峰,即使他们并不比别人有天赋. What is the secret of their success? Well, the answer is really not that big of a secret, and the answer has even been endorsed by none other than Warren Buffett who said, "如果你想比现在增值50%,磨练你的沟通技巧," That’s it. The not-so-secret edge is powerful communication skills.

But… powerful communication is about more than speaking or eloquence; it's about mastering persuasion, building trust, exuding charisma, and so much more! In this exclusive training session, 沟通专家Dallas Amsden将指导你了解有效沟通的一些关键原则, steering you away from common pitfalls that can jeopardize interviews, deals, and team dynamics. 发现将使你成为你所在领域的专家的原则.

Don't let success be a mystery; join us for an event that promises to elevate your business acumen. Seize the not-so-secret edge to success and position yourself for greatness! 不要错过这个提高你的沟通技巧和推动你的事业达到新高度的机会.

Why Consider Federal Service

Why Consider Federal Service

Jodie Pitcock, Recruitment Lead
United States Department of Agriculture

Dates: Wednesday, February 21
Time: 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. 
Length: 60 Minutes
Location: Student Union Ballroom

We are called to serve others.  Individuals employed with the Federal Government provide many services, benefiting millions of people each day and creating positive change.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers excellent benefits, professional, development, career advancement and work-life balance that’s hard to find in private sector.  放眼薪水之外,看看联邦雇员福利是如何成为经济安全和生活质量的明智选择的. Then choose an employer who cares about your future and well-being!


  • Government benefits
  • Learn about Federal career.
  • 如何写一份联邦简历,让自己被推荐到一个“很难”得到的职位.

Personality Jazz: Creating Harmony At Work

Personality Jazz: Creating Harmony At Work

Steven Iwersen
Aurora Pointe, LLC 

Date: Thursday, February 29
Time: 11 a.m., 1 p.m. or 3:30 p.m.
Length: 60 minutes
Location: Student Union Boardroom

仅仅承认和记棋牌娱乐有不同的个性并不能造就更好的团队. Your ability to communicate, respect, and compliment instead of competing, is the mix needed for great relationships — at work and home. 你的团队的实力取决于他们欣赏不同工作风格的人并与之合作的能力.

Personality Jazz reveals the secret of working in rhythm with others. Our guest presenter, Steven Iwersen, 会帮助你从爵士乐的世界中发现对个性的新理解吗!

The Power of Our Assumptions

The Power of Our Assumptions

Bob Dusin, Leadership Keynote Speaker
Bob Dusin, LLC 

Date: Monday, March 4
Time: 11 a.m., 1 p.m. or 3 p.m.
Length: 60 minutes
Location: Student Union Boardroom


所有的领导者都对他们团队和组织中的人的能力有假设, even before they know them well. 这些假设和看法对这些团队成员的参与和承诺水平有重大影响.

A leader’s assumptions and perceptions, and the actions taken because of them, are often not recognized consciously by the leader. They are certainly not done maliciously. 但认识到这些假设将使承诺水平发生积极的变化, motivation, and bottom-line results.

Nobody Ever Wins a Fight

Nobody Ever Wins a Fight

Dale Stewart, Author

Date: Tuesday, March 26
Time: 11 a.m., 2 p.m. or 4 p.m.
Length: 60 minutes
Location: Student Union Boardroom

Whether a natural result of being human or an intentional creation, the air seems to be filled with the behavior and language of conflict. 大多数人失去工作不是因为缺乏“做工作”的能力,而是因为缺乏与他人相处的能力.

这个互动式工作坊将帮助参与者学会认真倾听他人, and to themselves. 本书将分享技巧和语言线索,帮助个人或团体驾驭“冲突的层次和动力”,并突破“感知和力量的高尔夫球”.”

W. 戴尔·斯图尔特(Dale Stewart)一生都在作为调解人与个人和团体打交道, police detective, consultant and ordained minister. He has led conflict resolution workshops in the U.S. And Canada, and has served as a mediator with courts throughout Missouri.

C.A.L.M. in Crisis

C.A.L.M. in Crisis

Wellness Services
Northwest Missouri State University 

Date, Time and Location:
Tuesday, January 30, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p,m., Union Boardroom
Monday, March 25, 2024 - 3:00 - 5:30 p.m., Union Boardroom
Friday, April 12, 2024 - 2:30 - 5 p.m., Station This session is at capacity. If you would like to be added to a waitlist to attend, please email
Tuesday, April 16, 2024 - 2:30 - 5 pm, Union Boardroom

Length:   2.5 Hours (In addition to a 1 hour online Training Camp)
*MUST complete both the online Training Camp and in-person Training session.

该项目旨在帮助校园社区识别有心理健康问题的学生.  This training is available for all faculty, staff and students at Northwest!  It is a two-part training including a 1-hour online Training Camp and a 2.5 hour, in-person training held here on campus. 
而咨询服务是帮助支持和记棋牌娱乐的学生心理健康需求的关键, our campus community plays a critical role in overall student wellness. Because of the increasing prevalence of mental health struggles, student success is being increasingly affected. The purpose of C.A.L.M. 危机是在和记棋牌娱乐的校园社区(学生,教师和工作人员)建立技能. 培训的重点是提高人们对自杀危险因素和警告信号的认识, how to recognize and respond when they occur, when/how to refer to available resources, ways in which to offer hope, and the importance of managing personal wellness throughout the process. 参与培训是和记棋牌娱乐如何帮助协调和记棋牌娱乐在校园中的各种角色,为和记棋牌娱乐对学生福利的持续支持带来循证干预. 
重要提示:这是一个由两部分组成的培训,需要完成一个在线部分, Training Camp, as well as an in-person component. 训练营需要在您选择的现场培训日期的两周内在西北在线完成. 参加训练营的信息将在现场培训前两周通过电子邮件发送. 

The course is organized around the acronym C.A.L.M.
C– Create Awareness  
A – Ask Question 
L – Learn Resources 
M – Manage Your Wellness 

Content includes a brief overview of mental health concerns on campus, as well as breaking down each component of the C.A.L.M. acronym. 完成这两个培训部分后,与会者将通过电子邮件收到结业证书.

This session counts as three Career Pathing sessions. 

Select to register.


C.A.L.M in Crisis Student Registration

J.E.D.I. Program

J.E.D.I. Program

Dr. Jessie Peter, Senior Coordinator
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Northwest Missouri State University

Date: January 23, February 13, March 7 or April 2
Time: 3 p.m.

Length: 60 Minutes
              April 2 will be located at the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Student Union

J.E.D.I. Program
The Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (J.E.D.I.)项目由和记棋牌娱乐多样性和包容性办公室提供,作为学生的课外项目. 它提供了一系列旨在促进学生自我意识和身份形成的学习体验, understanding of diverse cultural experiences, and advocacy to reduce structural inequities.
Attend any 3 of the following programs to complete Level 1 of the J.E.D.I. Program. To learn more about the JEDI Program email Dr. Jessie Peter -

Dates & Times:

Date: Tuesday, January 23
  • 内隐思想:加入和记棋牌娱乐,讨论内隐思想以及它们如何引导和记棋牌娱乐的感知.
Date: Tuesday, February 13
  • 意图Vs影响:加入和记棋牌娱乐,讨论内隐思想如何影响和记棋牌娱乐的行为及其影响.
Date: Thursday, March 7
  • 跨文化能力:加入和记棋牌娱乐的对话,了解和尊重不同文化的彼此.
Date: Tuesday, April 2
  • 交叉性:加入和记棋牌娱乐的对话,成为自我和他人意识到和记棋牌娱乐在社会中的位置. 