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A Guide to Event Planning at Northwest


本指南的目的是帮助和记棋牌娱乐的学生和员工进行活动策划. 如果事先组织好并计划好,活动是最成功的. The events you plan define the quality of your organization or department. They also have a direct reflection of the University and its public image.

使用这个指南将使你的计划更容易,压力更小,更成功. For more assistance related to planning an event, contact the Office of University Marketing and Communication at 660.562.1143.


大学营销与传播办公室通过校园媒体和区域媒体为校园活动提供宣传. 有关您的活动的重要信息应至少在活动前两周传达给大学营销和传播办公室,以获得媒体报道的最佳效果. Information received late will result in less publicity. Information for local media release should be submitted by contacting Dr. Mark Hornickel, Northwest's communication manager, at 660.562.1704 or

非由大学营销和传播办公室制作的标牌必须由大学营销和传播办公室批准并盖章 Office of Student Involvement coordinator located on the second floor of the J.W. Jones Student Union in the Office of Student Affairs.


Advertising may be purchased from The Northwest Missourian, Maryville Forum, KZLX radio and other media sources. Ads may be placed by contacting 西北航空公司负责营销和传播的助理副总裁布兰登•斯坦利(Brandon Stanley)的价格为660美元.562.1628, 大学营销和传播办公室可以制作广告并将其放置在您选择的媒体来源上. If the organization or department has a University budget account, 订购广告时应提交一份签署的购买请求.

Another way to purchase advertising is to place the ad yourself. 请注意,您将大学称为“西北”或“和记棋牌娱乐”是很重要的," not "NWMSU," in all advertising and publicity. Also confirm the appropriate names and spellings of campus facilities. View Northwest style rules. For departmental accounts, advertising is treated as an operating expense.


Use the online project request form »

Facility Reservations

检查你想要的场地的可用性有时会成为你确定活动日期的动力,这应该是你计划的首要任务之一. Reservations are accepted several months in advance. It should be noted, however, 一些设施的可用性在一年中的某些时间是有限的. For example, 在返校节前后和临近学期结束时,设施空间很难预订.


Mark Hendrix, Auxiliary Services, 660.562.1420
J.W. Jones Student Union rooms
Ballroom theater-style seating: 500
Ballroom banquet: Up to 400
The Station
Centennial Garden
Memorial Bell Tower
All University classrooms
Raymond J. Courter College Park Pavilion

Nikki Hackett, Department of Fine and Performing Arts, 660.562.1326
罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心的玛丽·林恩礼堂(可容纳约600人). 1,088)
Charles Johnson Theater (holds approx. 550)
Olive DeLuce Fine Arts Building
Fire Arts Building

Vacant, Athletics, 660.562.1977
Bearcat Arena
Martindale Gym
Student Recreation Center
Bearcat Stadium
All athletic fields

Brooke Byland, Campus Recreation, Request a space form
Carl and Cheryl Hughes Fieldhouse
Student Recreation Center
MOERA (Mozingo Outdoor Education Recreation Area)
Robert and Virginia Foster Fitness Center, Room 106
Disc Golf Course

Brenda Untiedt, Office of University Advancement, 660.562.1512
Michael L. Faust Center for Alumni and Friends

Request President/Provost Attendance

If you wish for the University President to speak or appear at your event, make your request using the President Participation Form as soon as possible. As a courtesy, 请主席出席会议的请求应至少在活动日期前10个工作日提出. 在您收到总统办公室成员的确认之前,和记棋牌娱乐不能保证总统出席某项活动. 需要注意的是,有时总统会突然被请出城, consequently, their appointments have to be rescheduled or canceled. The provost may speak on the president's behalf.


Campus Dining caters events on campus and in the community. 餐饮经理可以就您点的茶点与您协商, served meals and buffets. 除了食物,他们还可以提供亚麻布和装饰品,为你的活动增添特别的情调.

To make catering arrangements, call 660.562.1275 or send an email to Catering arrangements should be made at least two weeks in advance. 当您预订活动时,您的大学账号或其他账单信息可用吗. All food and beverages served in the J.W. 琼斯学生会和车站必须由校园餐饮服务中心提供. For more information, visit


If your event will attract off-campus visitors to the campus, inform them of a designated parking area for their use. Contact University Police at 660.562.1254 to assist in identifying the best parking lot to use. 您可以向大学警察申请访客或来宾停车证,并发给活动参与者. 关于停车问题,至少在活动前两周咨询大学警察. 如果你的访客收到停车罚单,这可能是不合适的, contact University Police.

Events Involving Area Schools

西北校区一些最复杂的活动是由地区初中和中学学生参加的竞赛和比赛. These activities are considered excellent recruitment opportunities, 不仅是为了赞助活动的学院或系,也是为了整个大学. Therefore, 应通知招生办公室这些事件,以便准备信息亭, campus tours or other recruitment efforts. 此外,为大学市场推广及传讯处提供活动前的宣传资料及活动后的和记娱乐ios稿,亦是有益的.

Buses and Other University Vehicles

University vehicles may be used for events. Because of limitations to the size of the bus and fleet vehicles, reservations for their use should be made at least one month in advance. 在遵守学校汽车使用规定和限制的情况下,可以使用车辆进行日间或夜间旅行. Call 660.562.1354 to check availability and make reservations for fleet vehicles.

Mailing Lists

Mailing lists and labels for currently enrolled students must be requested through Heather Kline in the Office of the Registrar by calling 660.562.1151. 包含更具体信息的列表,如家乡、年级分类、专业等., are reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis.

Requests for current faculty and staff labels may be submitted to McKenna Heller in the Office of Human Resources at 660.562.1127. Indicate your preference of home or campus address.

Mailing lists and labels for entering freshmen may be requested through the Office of Admissions by calling 660.562.1146.

Mailing lists for alumni and emeriti faculty can be obtained by emailing your request to Brenda Untiedt in the Office of University Advancement Office at 660.562.1248 or

Financial Matters

When charging fees for materials, meals or other items, process all monies through a University revolving account. Contact the Controller's Office at 660.562.1579 for an approved account. 关于活动费用,必须遵循具体的资金管理程序. Contact the Office of Student Account Services at 660.562.1103 for information pertaining to:

  • 宣传手册中向客户描述付款指示的措辞
  • Billing steps
  • Balancing receipts and deposits
  • Depositing receipts
  • Processing refunds to customers

Other Things to Consider

和记棋牌娱乐有几个人可能会在你的活动策划中发挥重要作用. 一定要联系他们,不要以为你已经预订了房间, everything will be in place.

  • 学生会房间的布置(桌椅摆放,麦克风,讲台): Mark Hendrix, 660.562.1420.
  • 用于户外活动或学生会以外场所的桌椅: Mike Striplin, 660.562.1508
  • Tables and chairs at the Couter Pavilion and College Park: Mark Hendrix, 660.562.1420.
  • Outdoor electricity needs: Rick Allen, 660.562. 1355
  • Grounds clean-up or extra trash cans for outdoor events: Chris Redden, 660.562.1650
  • Large tent rental: Facility Services, 660.562.1183
  • Golf cart for special needs guests: Brenda Untiedt, 660.562.1248, or Facility Services, 660.562.1181
  • Portable heaters for outdoor events: Rick Allen, 660.562.1355
  • Portable sound system for outdoor events: Rick Allen, 660.562.1355
  • Musicians: Bill Richardson, 660.562.1316


You may consider giving a memento to guests at your event. 几乎任何你能想到的物品都可以印上大学的标志或名称. Northwest has a contract for imprinting promotional items with 4imprint. To view their online catalog for ideas, visit

如需订购,请联系4imprint的销售代表以获得报价. You may also contact purchasing for assistance in getting a quote. All orders to 4imprint must be placed with a purchase order.

Final Words on Planning Your Event

记住,一个成功的计划的关键是在此之前仔细的计划和组织. 提前做好计划,花时间仔细检查你的安排. As previously stated, 一个部门或组织计划的事件和活动反映了其运作的质量.