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Web 101 - Basics & Anatomy of Cascade

After you have been given access to Cascade to edit a aproteka.com website, this section covers the concepts of editing using 级联CMS. Getting familiar with how it works will hopefully help make it all easier to manage. 

Starting with introducing you to 的模板 available and the anatomy of Cascade, then you can dive into our guides for help with specific tasks like managing pages, assets and components of this content management system.  


首先是 templates (or page types). 这些都是 created by the web team and they are the design and layout of your public-facing site. 这些都是 unique to aproteka.com. 

What are templates?

It is the culmination of the content/imagery with the design/development to put all the pieces of a website together. You can think of this as the 前端 or the final product presented to your website visitors. 

Options and variations

A basic page and many "specialty" templates exist. Our templates are meant to fulfill most needs on aproteka.com网站. 

  • 登陆页面
  • 常见问题页面
  • 联系 and Person (Bio) Pages
  • 和更多的. 浏览 template examples to familiarize yourself with the options. 

Anatomy of 的模板

Check out some of the key components to our templates with this anatomy page including a screenshot reference guide.


The templates are responsive

The templates are responsive (mobile-friendly) so the presentation of a website changes depending on display size and device type.

提示: Manually resize your browser to see how your a webpage looks on different display sizes.


其次, 级联CMS. CMS stands for content management system. Cascade is the CMS Northwest uses. This software is used to build your website within 的模板; think of this as the back-end or behind the scenes.

We HIGHLY recommend reviewing 级联基础知识 from the 级联CMS Knowledge Base along with some of the starter tips below.

Anatomy of the dashboard

The Cascade dashboard is the home area in the CMS containing widgets (tools) to help facilitate site management. Check out the dashboard with a screenshot reference guide.

THE Cascade Dashboard

Anatomy of getting around Cascade

Navigating Cascade is fairly straight forward but can take some getting used to. Check out Cascade navigation with some tips and a screenshot reference guide.

getting around Cascade

Anatomy of 工作区

The workspace is where take actions on an asset. Check out 工作区 views with a screenshot reference guide.


Anatomy of the page editor

页面编辑器 allows you to update content on an individual page, many of the same components apply to editing other assets as well. Check out the page editor with a screenshot reference guide.


Data Definitions

Data Definitions are a collection of fields used to create content. Users can populate these data definitions in countless combinations to achieve the desired set up and structure for a webpage. 

They are the "fill in the blanks" of a template that allows webpages to be build with consistent style, structure and navigation throughout. 

Data Definitions allow users to enter content in a series of form fields to create structured pages without the need for additional formatting. There are 15 types of input including 所见即所得 rich-text fields, 复选框, 单选按钮, multi-select and drop-down lists, and page and file choosers that reference content managed in 级联CMS.

所见即所得: Acronym for "what you see is what you get"; an open content area for text, images, media and more. 所见即所得编辑器 are common throughout our templates. 更多关于 所见即所得编辑器

Now that you have some of the concepts down, we recommend browsing our how-to guides to help you with specific tasks.

Back to 编辑 for how-To Guides