a - z指数

社会政策 & 预期

公告板 & 发布

希望在大厅内的公告板上张贴东西的居民应联系大厅/综合大楼主任获得批准. 未经批准张贴的物品将被删除. 

关于校园其他地方的张贴政策,请咨询学生参与办公室,2nd 楼学生会,位于学生参与中心内.



住宿生活完全支持 大学计算机政策 and will report violations to the Information Technology department.  It is each student's responsibility to review and follow all Northwest computing policies.


由于卫生条件, 健康, and safety; general cooking and food preparation in the residence halls is permitted only in designated areas. (见下面的烹饪区)居民是, 然而, 允许拥有和使用爆米花机, 咖啡机, 还有他们房间里的微波炉. (具体规格见学生随身物品)

留在房间/套房/公寓外任何公共区域的餐具和其他个人物品将被视为遗弃财产. (见“学生财物”部分的“弃置财物”)


为了您的方便, 所有宿舍都有小厨房, 车站, 和FVA社区建设. 锅, 平底锅和其他烹饪用具可从前台获得,每个大厅都有所不同. 居民有责任自己打扫卫生. 


住客是住在校内宿舍的学生的特权. 任何不是特定居住区域的合同居住者都被视为客人, 这包括所有非学生, 住在校外的学生, 或者住在不同的校园建筑或楼层的学生. 每个大厅允许24小时参观,并要求每一位客人在任何时候陪同. 陪同客人从他们进入大楼到离开大楼,都是他们的常驻主人的实际存在. In order to provide a secure environment protecting our communities, 以下是关于所有住客招待客人的协议和程序:

  • 客人必须一直由住家主人陪同. 只有该社区的居民才能担任主人. 例如, 客人可以在一楼休息室或公共娱乐室/休息室由该大楼的任何居民陪同, 然而要在住宅小区的二楼, that guest must be escorted by a member of the second floor community.
  • 无人陪同的, non-student guests will be required to leave the building and may be given a trespass warning. 无人陪同的 student guests will face disciplinary action through the 学生的行为 Process.
  • Guests must abide by all policies of the residence halls and floors, with guests and hosts mutually responsible for the conduct of the guest. 不遵守大学或住宿生活政策的客人可能会被护送出大楼,并禁止进一步进入. Residents may be subject to disciplinary action for the inappropriate behavior of their guest(s).
  • 只有在所有室友事先表示同意的情况下,居民才能在他们的宿舍/单元接待客人.
  • Overnight guests may not stay more than five nights in a 30-day period, per guest.

键 & 停工

键 & 能猜

房间钥匙, 邮箱钥匙, 还有宿舍的桌子, 公寓, and bathroom entry (where required) are issued to each resident upon arrival. 钥匙或钥匙扣会丢失吗, the resident will be charged a replacement fee to cover the cost of key and core replacement. 损坏的钥匙也会导致收费, but only to replace the key as long as both pieces of the missing key is returned.   遗失钥匙应立即报告给您的RA/SA. 如在退房时未能归还钥匙及钥匙卡,则须缴付补领费.


Residents are encouraged to carry their room keys with them at all times. Residents who are locked out should go to the front desk to obtain a lockout key. 当服务台关闭时,居民应联系RA/SA. 前三次锁定是免费的. 在三次停摆之后会有停摆费.  七次或以上的禁赛费用增加.  居民将被要求在进入公寓之前出示个人身份证明. 过度的停工可能导致纪律处分. Guests will not be allowed to gain access into a room or 公寓.

禁止复制大学钥匙.  Possession of 大学 keys other than those assigned is not permitted.

Due to fire safety, no additional locks should be attached to any door.


出于安全考虑, 学生不允许进行户外运动(足球), 扔飞盘, 扔雪球, 打水仗, 扔水球, 使用滑板, 旱冰鞋, 等.,) inside or in 关闭 proximity to the residence halls or 公寓s. Residents should seek an open space away from the building for such activities. 


Water faucets are located on the exterior of each 公寓 building and residence hall. 清洗汽车, 预告片, 摩托车, or using these water hookups for any purpose is strictly prohibited.


住宿生活完全支持 大学 parking policies enforced by 大学 Police. It is each student's responsibility to review and follow all Northwest parking policies. 有关完整信息,请访问 西北停车场


森林村的停车许可证包含在房租里. 许可证只适用于FVA停车场(32号) 校园停车图 查看PDF); it is not valid in any other lot on campus. 只有出示有效的FVA许可证的居民才能在森林村公寓24/7停车, except for specially designated areas on the East side of the parking lot. FVA居民在CatPAWS登记车辆后,可在行政大楼领取免费的FVA停车许可证. Permits are given to the residents in a 1:1 ratio, meaning each resident has one space to use. FVA许可证只在FVA停车场有效, 然而 if a resident would like to use parking on campus other than in the FVA lot, 他们可以按市场价格购买住宅停车通行证或摩托车/踏板车停车通行证. 所有许可证都可以在行政大楼一楼的学生账户服务办公室购买和领取. 请先通过CatPAWS网上登记您的车辆.

宠物、服务性动物 & 情感支持动物


除鱼外,宿舍内不允许携带任何宠物. 鱼缸里的鱼不能超过10加仑.

不像其他设施,森林村公寓 允许养各种宠物. 点击这里查看完整的细节.

服务的动物 & 情感支持动物

A 服务的动物 是否接受过培训,以协助残疾人进行特定活动和/或感知身体或心理上的痛苦.

An 情感支持动物 is a living accommodation for a psychological condition as prescribed by a 健康 professional. 请 完成住宿申请 to start the process and provide supporting documentation from your 健康 professional at ada@aproteka.com. Details of the approval process can also be obtained through the 住宅生活 Main office 660.562.1214,或者通过你的住校主任. 出于对健康的考虑,未经批准的宠物或动物不得进入任何住宿生活设施, safety and sanitation of both the residents of our facilities and the animal itself. In accordance with this practice, any unapproved pet or animal must be removed with 48 hours. Residents not in compliance with these standards will be subject to disciplinary action, 包括但不限于, 货币的罚款.

与情感支持动物, there are expectations of 清洁 and any impact on the community in regards to noise, 清洁, 一般动物管理. 如果情感支持动物没有得到照顾,其住宿许可可能会被撤销, 如果动物对住宅造成损害, 或者动物对社区有负面影响.


In order to change a current policy, a proposal must be submitted in a written form to RHA. 提案必须清楚地说明变更,并详细解释当前政策需要更改的原因. 提案中还应该列出几个选项. The proposal will be considered based on survey results conducted by RHA, need and cost.

A policy change is not always an easy thing to do; not only does 住宅生活 need to approve it, but it may also require the approval of the Vice President of Student Affairs, 大学校长, 然后是校董会. It should be known that generally a policy change will take a year to take effect, as it needs to be implemented in the 住宅生活 手册 for the following year.  In the event of a mid-year policy update, students will be notified.


安静的时间 是为了提供一个有利于良好学术研究的氛围,并促进一个个人可以从群体生活经验中学习的环境. The enforcement of quiet hours is the responsibility of each resident, 如有需要,宿舍生活人员会提供协助.  安静时间是:

  • 周日至周四:晚上10点至上午9点.
  • 星期五 & 星期六:午夜至上午9点.

礼貌小时 全天24小时都在宿舍里有效吗. 因此,噪声(i.e., 音响, 广播, 电视, 乐器和声音)必须保持在不影响其他居民学习或睡眠的水平. 如果你遇到过大的噪音, 首先要求把噪音降到最低, 如果噪音持续, 联系你的宿舍管理员或值班的工作人员.

帮助促进高强度的学习, 在整个住宿生活系统中,期末考试期间将有23小时的安静时间. One hour each day may be designated by the individual hall as a "Relief Hour,,并得到大厅主任的最终批准.


和记棋牌娱乐致力于回收利用.  All 大学 housing, offices, and public areas are expected to participate. 大学社区共同努力提高环境意识,并且有机会为分享这一承诺的学生在大厅内担任领导职务,以帮助学生学习和遵守该计划. Receptacles are provided in the main lobbies and near the dumpsters.






禁止在宿舍楼和公寓内挨家挨户招揽商业产品或服务或进行招聘活动. 这包括, 但不限于, 在宿舍/公寓内征集/销售/招聘, 公共区域(如楼层休息室和大堂), 以及大厅的入口区域(内外).

If the vendor is sponsored by an officially recognized campus organization (Student Senate, 关注的焦点, ISO, 等.), 或非营利组织,可致电660与住宿生活联系,申请展位或展示区域的批准.562.1214. Approval for such projects must be made through this office prior to the event, 所有宣传活动的海报/招牌均须遵守上述审批和张贴准则. Also refer to 大学 Solicitation policy in your Student 手册. 

迹象,图片 & 海报

住宅生活保留要求任何展示的权利, 装饰, image or writing visible from outside the student’s room be removed. 这尤其适用于门窗.

装饰, 政策的迹象, 大厅工作人员在公共区域制作或展示的其他贴子保留在公共区域. Removing, tampering, damaging, or taking any of these items is a violation of this policy.



住宅单元外不提供存储空间. 存放在公共场所的物品将被移走并丢弃.

No university provided furniture may be removed from the residential unit or stored elsewhere.


在宿舍和公寓的每个居民都应该自律,并尊重其他居民的权利. 每个居民都必须意识到,在集体生活的经历中, 为了维护一个安全和有教育意义的环境,所有人都应该遵守某些规则和政策. 每个宿舍都有权制定规章制度, according to parameters specifically related to the goals of the Office of 住宅生活, as long as these rules do not conflict with the rules of the 大学.

违反或存在违反由宿舍制定的政策的个人, 大学, 或州和/或联邦政府将根据大学的司法系统处理. (参见和记棋牌娱乐学生手册.) Terms and conditions of the Student 手册 are incorporated herein by reference. 每个居民都应该使用常识. 有关适当和不适当行为的问题应向宿舍工作人员提出.