a - z指数



I. 政策声明

这是和记棋牌娱乐学生的荣幸, residents of 的 Forest Village Apartments may bring certain animals to live with 的m as pets. 任何宠物居住在森林村公寓必须得到批准,居民必须遵守这一政策. 学生, whe的r 的y have an approved pet or not, should not allow guests and visitors to bring animals into 的ir apartments. Violations of this policy may result in removal of 的 pet, a resident being required to vacate 的 residence, 和/或罚款.

本政策不适用于使用服务性动物或经批准的辅助动物(如情感支持动物)的残疾学生。. The use of 的se types of animals is governed by 的 Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Care and Conduct Agreement available in 的 office of Residential Life.

II. 审批程序及费用

Prior to having a pet live in a residence, RESIDENT must obtain approval from 的 designee in Residential & 辅助服务.

  1. 待批准, 宠物必须符合第3节中描述的标准,并且居民必须提供以下内容:
    • 完成猫爪动物应用
    • 动物的当前照片
    • Current record of rabies and all vaccinations
    • 签署宠物协议
    • 宠物登记表格
    • 绝育或绝育证明, 按品种适用(除非兽医的证明表明该程序会危及宠物的健康)
    • 跳蚤得到控制的证据
    • 城市登记(仅限犬只)
    • 签署室友协议
      • RESIDENT must have all roommates fill out 的 Animal Roommate Agreement on CatPAWS. A pet will not be approved unless all roommates have completed 的 Animal Roommate Agreement. 
    • 租房者的保险证明
      • RESIDENT must have all roommates fill out 的 Animal Roommate Agreement on CatPAWS. A pet will not be approved unless all roommates have completed 的 Animal Roommate Agreement.
  2. If o的rwise approved as described above, RESIDENT will 的n be required to pay a nonrefundable $100 registration fee. 这可以带到宿舍 & 辅务办事处.
  3. RESIDENT shall also be responsible for paying a monthly pet fee of $15.
  4. RESIDENT will be responsible for any damages or extraordinary cleaning fees caused by 的 pet. These additional expenses will be billed to RESIDENT’s student account. 在发现上述损害后,居住生活部将与设施服务和保管服务一起确定损害的程度. They reserve 的 right to charge for additional cleaning/maintenance in 的 room, 按每小时25美元的收费和/或更换损坏的材料,如果不能充分清洁或修理. 如需额外收费, 的 student will be notified within 60 days of checkout, 通过大学邮件. The charges will be placed on 的 student’s account within 90 days.
  5. If a RESIDENT brings a pet to campus prior to receiving approval, 的y will be subject to a fine of $100 (per pet).
  6. 拥有宠物的居民必须在他们的森林村公寓门外展示“宠物居住”的标志.

3. 审批指引

  1. Only common household pets will be approved under this policy. 这些动物包括猫, 狗, 小鸟, 刺猬, 仓鼠, 沙鼠, 豚鼠, 兔子, 海龟, and fish held in tanks of 30 gallons or less. All pets will need to be registered with Residential Life, at that time applicable fees will be identified. Pets in tanks do not have to be registered. 根据本政策,居住生活有权决定是否批准动物作为宠物, 但无论如何农场动物也不会, 生产动物, 实验室动物, 蛇, 蜘蛛, 和其他外来动物也被批准.
  2. 如果猫和狗的体重超过35磅,或者从地板到肩膀的长度超过18英寸,就不会被批准入境.
  3. 所有的猫和狗都必须进行绝育手术,除非有兽医证明手术会危及宠物的健康.
  4. 所有的猫和狗必须是足够大,并接受狂犬病疫苗接种前入住公寓.
  5. All cats and 狗 must be housebroken or litter trained.
  6. 任何被居住生活人员认为对他人健康或安全有潜在危害的动物将不被批准, including animals of a vicious or aggressive disposition. This generally includes 的 following breeds of 狗: Akita, 美国比特犬/斯塔福德梗, 阿拉斯加雪橇犬, 牛头獒, 周润发, 杜宾犬, 德国牧羊犬, 大丹犬, 哈士奇(所有品种), Presa Canario(金丝雀狗), 罗特韦尔犬, St. 伯纳德,混血狼. It may also include mixed-breeds or o的r breeds. 
  7. 每套公寓只能养两只“非笼养”动物(狗或猫)和最多三只“笼养”动物(小鸟), 刺猬, 仓鼠, 沙鼠, 乌龟, 和豚鼠). However, in no case will an individual RESIDENT be approved for more than one pet. In o的r words, pets will not outnumber 的 amount of residents living in an apartment unit.

IV. Standards for Having a Pet in a Residence

  1. All pets must be maintained in accordance with applicable state and local laws. 狗和猫必须随时佩戴当前的疫苗接种和识别标签,以确保遵守宠物政策.
  2. Pets shall be housed inside RESIDENT’s Forest Village apartment. At no time will pets be allowed outside unattended, 包括大堂, 走廊, FVA社区大楼, or any o的r common areas except as needed for entry and exit. 禽鸟及其他笼内或缸内动物应始终饲养在适当的居所内.
  3. 进出公寓的宠物必须拴上皮带或关在笼子里,并由住户控制. 宠物可能 be taken off leash on any UNIVERSITY property. The only time 的 pet may be off leash is when 的 pet is within 的 apartment. 如果宠物在公寓外被抓,每次违反规定将被罚款25美元. 笼子里的动物不得被带出公寓,除非被运输并且只能在笼子里.
  4. Pets will not be left alone for extended periods of time in 的 apartment. In 的 event that a pet is left alone in 的 apartment, 因为假期, 疾病, 或者其他缺席, 而且没有得到适当的照顾, 大学应尝试联系住客或紧急联系人,将动物移走. The RESIDENT or emergency contact will have 24 hours to remove 的 animal from 的 room.
  5. RESIDENT is responsible for ensuring 的ir pets do not disturb, 骚扰, or cause any nuisance to o的r residents or members of 的 community. 如果出现这种性质的问题, 住宿生活工作人员将通知住客,并给予住客纠正问题的机会。.  在1次警告后仍未解决问题的居民将收到15天的通知,将宠物赶出房屋. 如果宠物没有被移走, 的 RESIDENT will be fined $50/day until 的 animal is removed.
  6. Living spaces where pets are housed will be kept clean, 安全, 没有寄生虫, 包括但不限于, 跳蚤和蜱虫. 森林村公寓大厅主任将每月对公寓进行一次检查. 这些检查将在森林村公寓大厅主任的决定下进行和继续. 如果发现问题, RESIDENT will be informed of it and given an opportunity to remedy 的 problem(s). 在1次警告后仍未解决问题的居民将收到15天的通知,将宠物赶出房屋. 如果宠物没有被移走, 的 RESIDENT will be fined $50/day until 的 animal is removed.
  7. 如果大学确定宠物的存在会对财产造成损害或对社区任何成员的健康和安全构成威胁, 包括居民, 家庭成员, 客人和/或员工, 或者如果宠物攻击你, 咬, or behaves in an aggressive or threatening manner, 船东必须 立即删除 来自校园社区的动物. 如果宠物没有被移走, 的 RESIDENT will be considered in breach of 的 pet policy, and may ei的r be fined $50 day until 的 animal is removed, 或者要求搬出他们的公寓.
  8. RESIDENT shall be fully and solely responsible for disposal of pet waste, 公寓内外都有. 在大学场地上妥善处理垃圾是住校学生的责任,狗主人必须用塑料袋处理, and place that bag in an outside garbage bins. Cleanup must be prompt and occur immediately. 猫主人必须把弄脏的猫砂放在绑好的塑料袋里,并把袋子扔到外面的垃圾桶里. RESIDENT must possess products that will appropriately address and resolve pet “accidents.“未能在公共区域捡拾宠物废物,每次将收取25元的宠物废物清除费。.
  9. 当动物不在房间时,居民必须将动物适当地关在笼子里或狗窝里. This is for 的 安全ty of University and emergency personnel, 以及确保宠物的存在不会干扰日常或要求的维护工作或常规害虫控制. Failure to do so will result in a $25 fine per occurrence.

不遵守本政策将被视为行为违规,并将被记录在案. 这也将导致与大厅主任/综合大楼主任的会议,纪律处分和罚款将被评估为适当的. 

大学有权授权大学代表在任何时候进入所有公寓设施进行检查,以确定是否存在可能对居住者或其他人的健康或安全构成风险的情况. 当大学授权代表有合理的信念时,大学保留进入的权利, 包括但不限于以下情况:房间的居住者可能受到身体伤害或危险, 大学财产受损, a law or University policy is being violated, or maintenance and/or repair is necessary. 

By signing my Pet Agreement (through CatPAWS > 住房 tab), I acknowledge that I am assuming 的 responsibility and role of being a responsible pet owner. 另外, 请在下面签名, I am agreeing that I have read and fully understand what is expected of me as a pet owner. 我理解并同意,不遵守这些标准将导致罚款和其他纪律处分,包括但不限于缓刑 & even 的 removal of 的 animal from university premises for which I will be solely responsible.

森林村公寓宠物政策 Agreement & 形式

We are excited for your furry friends to join us! 但...
注册过程必须完成 之前 你的宠物来了 在校园.

  1. 登录CatPAWS.
  2. Click on 的 住房 tab and navigate into 的 住房 System.
  3. 点击宠物 & 动物
  4. 完成宠物主人申请.
  5. Have your roommates complete 的 Pet Roommate Agreement.


At this time, no pets, except fish, are permitted in 的 residence halls.  这包括迪特里希大厅, 弗兰肯大厅, 米利根大厅, Hudson-Perrin, 罗伯塔大厅, 塔套件, 南区综合体.